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TIA’s Summer Facebook Contest! Win-A-Book Wednesday!

A must-have in every beach bag is some good summer reading!  Whether you head to the beach, a nearby pool or just find a delightfully air conditioned space, escaping into a great book is an essential activity to get away from  the heat. There’s nothing like joining author Jack London on a snowy Alaskan adventure to cool down a blistering Tucson summer day! So in the spirit of celebrating the great summer activity of reading, TIA is sponsoring Win-a-Book Wednesday on their Facebook page this summer. The contest will start on Wednesday, June 7th, 2017 and will run for eight consecutive weeks until July 26th.

How the Contest Works

Here’s how it will work. Every Wednesday TIA will post 3-4 clues about a well known children’s or teen book on their Facebook page. In the comments under the post, everyone can guess what book matches that set of clues. The names of all the people who have given the right response will be put into a hat. A winner will be chosen at random from all those that gave the correct answer. The winner of each round will be announced the following Tuesday on our Facebook page.

Great Weekly Prizes!

After we announce the winner each Tuesday, that person will private message us their email address. Once we receive the winner’s email address, TIA will send them a gift e-card worth $20 to Barnes and Noble! They can spend their $20 any way they choose at the Barnes and Noble website and have it shipped directly to their house! Sample Hints Let’s say our first set of hints about a book are: 1) a monkey 2) a man in a yellow hat 3) the big city Then let’s say in the comments below this post we receive a total of 40 guesses of which book we’re hinting at. However only 20 of the 40 people guess the correct book, Curious George. We take the names of the 20 people that answered Curious George, put them in a hat, and at random choose the winner who will receive the $20 gift card to Barnes and Noble. Again, the contest will begin on Wednesday, June 7th, with the first set of hints being posted on TIA’s facebook page. Then don’t forget to check our Facebook page every Wednesday all summer to see a new set of hints. We will announce the winner from the week prior each Tuesday.

Happy Summer Reading!

Enroll Your Child at TIA today!

summer readingsummer reading