Dear Ms. Enriquez and Ms. Herrera,
As you hopefully know by now, Arizona was cited by Education Cities today as a state that is leading the nation in closing our achievement gap, and we have attached our press release about that report here.
To your great credit, TIA West Tucson Charter School Campus has been identified as top performer in the state, and somewhere that low-wealth students can expect the same excellent quality of education that their wealthier peers receive.
What an amazing achievement for your students and school community, and we want to thank you and congratulate you! Please pass on our congratulations to your team.
We are critically aware that Arizona is nowhere near our goal of offering every child in the state an excellent education that prepares them for their life choices after high school. But in your school, and in dozens of schools like yours around the state, we see that this is possible. Arizona is being recognized because you and your team decided to make this a reality.
We cannot be more grateful to you. On behalf of the team at A for Arizona, bravo!
Glenn Hamer
Lea Marquez Peterson
Lisa Graham Keegan
Emily Anne Gullickson
Katie Fischer
Reina Ravago
Reina Ravago, M.S.
Southern Arizona Program Manager | A for Arizona
A project of the Arizona Chamber Foundation & Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
823 E. Speedway Blvd | Tucson, AZ 85719
p: (520) 620-0005 | e: [email protected]