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Chinese Language Programs at TIA

A major component of the Chinese Language Programs at TIA is the annual Chinese New Year Celebration. The family event is designed to showcase the students’ language skills and expand their appreciation of Chinese Culture.

Why Is Everyone So Excited About the Chinese Language Programs?

Everything about the event, from the lively performances, colorful wardrobes, and authentic food, reflects the excitement the children have for the Chinese Program at TIA.  “Our students are the most attentive and eager during Mr. Wu’s lessons. It’s very appealing to them,” says teacher Heather Hilliard. And the reason for their enthusiasm is apparent: Chinese Language Teacher Mr. Wu. If the kids’ loud cheers for Mr. Wu at a recent celebration are any indication, they love him. “Having a language teacher from the specific country really helps the kids understand and be more concerned with what they’re learning and why it’s important,” Hilliard explains. “The fact that Mr. Wu is from China helps them relate because they know him. He can say, ‘This is where I grew up, and this is what this is like’.” Chinese New Year, now also called the Spring Festival, is the most important holiday in the Chinese calendar. Each year the celebration falls on different dates in January or February, and is associated with one of 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac. Traditional celebrations lasted 15 days, in which family reunions and feasts were an important component. Other traditions include fireworks, a lantern festival, a dragon dance, the color red, and giving children money in red envelopes. The holiday is also celebrated in numerous cities and countries outside of China where there are significant Chinese populations.

New Year and New Opportunities

Just as the Chinese New Year symbolizes new life and new beginnings, the New Year event at TIA symbolizes new opportunities for our students, which are made possible by Mr. Wu and the Chinese Language Program.
Chinese language programs at TIA