The very first Holiday Decorated Door Contest is going on right now at all four TIA campuses. The teachers, students, principals and some of the office staff have participated by decorating their classroom or office doors to show their holiday and school spirit. All the door themes are very creative. Pictures of the doors were taken by the TIA Yearbook staff and then posted on the TIA Facebook page.
How to Vote for Your Favorite Holiday Decorated Door?
You are encouraged to vote for your favorite door by logging into TIA’s Facebook page and checking out the pictures, then vote by clicking on the “Like” feature for the picture of the holiday door you think is the best. Many people are asking their friends and family to vote too, by “sharing” the contest posting or their favorite picture. The picture with the most “Like” votes by December 14th, wins the contest! The winner will be announced at the Winterfest celebration on December 15th.Where Did the Holiday Decorated Door Contest Come from?
The holiday decorated door contest idea sprang from TIA’s student council. This year all the students on the student council from each campus got together to come up with ideas to help promote school spirit. They also hoped that it would get out the word about TIA as a school in general by getting parents and friends of the students more involved. This is the first of many contests they are planning.So get out and vote for your favorite decorated door now!!
Click here to see the photos on TIA’s Facebook page
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