Another amazing year and another TIA class of graduating seniors have all been accepted to colleges and universities! TIA’s Junior Senior Banquet is a time to honor the graduating seniors and show off the things they've done over the course of their schooling at TIA and the scholarships the students have attained. The graduating seniors share which colleges they are going to and their career goals. It is also a time for the seniors to pass the torch to the juniors and let them know what to expect in their senior year at TIA.
Comments from some students, parents, and principals at TIA
Student Christian Narrow - "I remember coming to this last year and getting a lot of good tips from the seniors that graduated....One of the amazing things we did this year was we got to tour colleges, get the behind-the-scenes tour of the colleges and dorms, and see the Grand Canyon."
Parent Claudia Narrow - "If you're going to do something in this life, it's important to get an education."
Student Nicolas Cavazos - "This is your class, your friends, you watch out for one another, don't let bullying occur, this is your family... My biggest advice would be to get involved in organizations and clubs... TIA really focuses on the students individually. They wanted me to apply to a leadership program, which I would never have thought to apply to. I got in and it has been one of the best experiences of my life, going to that leadership institute."
Parent Deloris Cavazos - "Just having a high school diploma isn't going to allow you to be successful anymore. You do need to have a degree. They make time during the classroom to sign up for scholarships. They allow them to go visit other colleges so they can see what is out there. They allow them to see what the future has, what the possibilities are...Our goal as a parent is to see your kids be successful. It's a huge accomplishment and I'm so proud of them. ..It just proves that with the support of family, parents, the school and everybody around them, that the positive feedback you give your kids is really going to determine how successful they are going to be."
Vice principal, teacher and coach Mr Basurto - "To wake up in the morning and say I am so excited to teach these kids, not just because I see them making a difference in the world, but very rarely, especially for myself, do you see kids that change your heart. I've got 6 seniors graduating this year and each one of them have changed my heart individually and helped me become the educator and leader that I need to be for the other students coming up at TIA."
Student Savannah - “They push us because they want to make sure we’re ready when it’s time. I am ready. I am ready to go to college!”
Student Axlen Yanez - "I'm the first senior in my family to graduate high school. I feel happy that I'm actually able to leave and start a new road for my younger cousins. I will be attending Grand Canyon University for 4 years and studying forensics. Then medical school for another 4 years, then back to Tucson for another 2 years to proceed to become a medical examiner."
Principal Mr Montemayor - "A lot of our students come from a background where the parents are low income and don't graduate from high school. They bring their students to us because they know that we are going to support them and help them accomplish those goals. And we tell our students that they can do better than that, you can graduate not only from high school but you can go on to college, or university or go into a trade program or join the army. The sky is the limit as to what they can do if they set their goals to do it... It gives the teaches and myself a great feeling of accomplishment...I am very proud of my students. Some of them call me dad for the same reason and it's the most beautiful feeling to have."
Congratulations to the Class of 2017 and the graduating seniors!
These are the colleges they were accepted at; 7 Northern Arizona University 9 University of Arizona 3 Arizona State University 5 Grand Canyon University 1 Carrington College Today at TIA!