It’s truly amazing when one realizes that every single senior from Tucson International Academy has been accepted to college. But without college scholarships, many of these students’ dream for a university level education would end before it even started! That is why TIA administrators like Mr. Lin Wu put so much time and effort into guiding each student through the scholarship application process.
How Do I Complete a College Scholarship Application?
Students are not only encouraged to apply for several college scholarships, but are guided through the sometimes complicated process. Each scholarship has its own required elements. Each application will not only include completion of basic information about the student, but often requires the applicant to write an essay. The required essay can range in topics, but generally asks the students to write about their goals and why they would be a good candidate to receive scholarship funding. TIA provides students with the guidance and editing they need to write the very best essays possible.How Much Does a College Scholarship Cover?
College scholarships vary in the amount of money offered and the length of time funding can be used. The biggest scholarships are those known as providing a “full ride” where all four years of college are covered for tuition, fees, books and sometimes a living allowance. Smaller scholarships combined together can also end up providing what is essentially a full ride for students. That is one of the reasons why it is wise to apply for as many scholarships as possible. Some scholarship programs have a requirement that the student must maintain good academic standing to continue receiving the annual scholarship.What are Some of the College Scholarships Available?
Some students at TIA are encouraged to apply for the prestigious Gates Millenium Scholarship sponsored by Bill Gates and his wife. This scholarship can provide a full ride for 4 years and requires it’s applicants not only to be in good academic standing but also to be able to present themselves as well-rounded members of their community. Because many TIA students are from a Hispanic heritage, many apply to receive financial help from the Hispanic Scholarship Fund. This scholarship program also reviews its candidates using academic and social standards. Certain universities have their own scholarship funds. Northern Arizona University, for instance, sponsors the Lumberjack Scholarship which is based on academic achievement. For lower income families, another option is FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) Federal Student Aid is a part of the U.S. Department of Education and is the largest provider of student financial aid in the nation. It provides federal grants, loans, and work-study funds each year to students for college. Without college scholarships, many students would not be able to attend school beyond their senior year at Tucson International Academy. Helping students apply for these scholarships as they prepare for a higher education is just another integral part of preparing our students for a global society.Interested in a school that can declare 100% of their students are college bound? Enroll Online Now!
Article by Betty Kruszka~TheJ3Effect