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Mckinney Vento Act

McKinney Vento Act

Help for the Homeless

Help for the homeless is available through the McKinney Vento Act.

Call Miss Cannon, our Homeless Liaison at (520) 624-3448.

Qualifying factors:

  1. The situation is temporary and due to hardship
  2. Doubled up with another family
  3. Living in a hotel/motel
  4. Living in a shelter
  5. Inadequate/substandard housing (e.g. no running water) or no adequate shelter
  6. Unaccompanied youths

Click on the links below for more information:

Download any or all PDF files below:

2024-2025 Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act form

2024-2025 Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program Mckinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Form Spanish

McKinny-Vento AZ Homeless Student Rights

State and Local Resources for Unaccompanied Youth Experiencing Homelessness

Youth Poster Spanish

Youth Poster English

Parent Poster Spanish

Parent Poster English

Need Help Guide

Visit National Center for Education Homeless Helpline for more information.