Emergency and School
Safety Resources
Mask Policy Update
Effective 4-28-2021 through 5-20-2021.
After 5-20-2021, masks will be optional.
In response to Governor Doug Ducey’s Executive Order Emergency Measure 2020-04 rescinding the mandatory mask order, Tucson International Academy School Board met today (April 27, 2021) and voted to alter the mask policy as follows:
1. Students and teachers must wear masks when walking around the school with the general school population and during Morning Assembly. 2. Once inside their classroom pod, masks may be removed. (The idea is that the classroom is a “pod” that has been acclimated among fellow students of the same “pod” therefore less risk of contamination. It is like restaurant rules when sitting down.) 3. Once seated with food with assigned pod for lunch, masks may be removed. 4. In general, whenever seated with assigned pod masks may be removed. 5. Parents, visitors, and the general public may not enter the school building or common areas. 6. For any larger group meetings or events (such as Cinco de Mayo or Graduation), all people must wear masks.
Please make note of these official changes to the mask rules at Tucson International Academies.
TIA Health and Safety Compliance Features Concerning COVID-19
• Sanitary shielding for each student (clear plexiglass)
• Full-time sanitization & health officers for each campus
• Daily health screens for staff (required)
• Daily health screens for students
• Temperature monitoring
• New auxiliary stainless steel hand washing stations at each campus
• Staggered lunch schedule to control contact
• Weekly audits and reporting
• Minimizing student movement while on campus
• TIA edition face masks available for purchase!
Tucson International Academy’s Safety Measures
Along with providing the best educational experience, Tucson International Academy is also committed to promoting a safe and secure learning environment. In furtherance of this objective, Tucson International Academy is equipped with smoke detectors, audio/visual cameras, locked doors and gates during school hours, CPR certified staff and faculty, with lockdown procedures and fire drills for every classroom and all other areas of our building(s). Additionally, faculty and staff or adult monitors are expected to have a cell phone or walkie-talkie with them while at lunch and/or on the playground with them. More information about TIA’s safety measures.
Online Safety
Link to online Teen Safety Guide from StaySafe.org