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A Magical Trip to Catalina Island

How do you approach a brand new experience? Do you cautiously dip one toe in, just to get a tiny feel? Do you slowly, but determinedly, wade in to your knees? Or do you take a running jump and cannonball right smack dab into the middle of a new adventure? Several of the TIA students who voyaged to Catalina Island in September saw and encountered the ocean for the very first time. Most had the “running cannonball” approach into their new adventure!

California Here We Come!

Fifteen 8th thru 12th grade TIA students, accompanied by TIA teachers Ms. Barbara Lane and Mr. Caleb Anderson, set out from Tucson late on the night of Sept 27. Their destination was the ocean. Specifically they were headed to Santa Catalina Island, more commonly known simply as Catalina Island. The rocky island, off the Californian coast, is located in the Gulf of Santa Catalina, about 22 miles south-southwest of Los Angeles. This trip to Catalina Island is offered to TIA students every other year in conjunction with the biology unit of their science curriculum.

Many TIA Students Encounter the Ocean for the First Time!

The group of desert rats left Tucson at 11 pm on Tuesday, Sept 27th. The trip started with an eight hour bus ride to Long Beach, during which the travelers tried, against the odds, to get some sleep. From Long Beach they boarded the ferry which would take them the last two and a half hours of their journey. For many, this ferry ride was the first time they ever laid eyes on the ocean. Amazingly, no one got seasick, and even in their sleep-deprived state, everyone seemed to enjoy the voyage.

Spectacular Ocean Views

Once they arrived on the Island, they were met by their hosts from the Catalina Island Marine Institute (CIMI). The girls and Ms. Lane were shown the way to their cabin and the boys and Mr. Anderson were directed to the cabin where they would stay. Their cabins looked out over the water and the view was spectacular!

Never a Dull Moment

But their adventure had just begun. The instructors from CIMI had activities planned to fill each hour and each student’s mind to the brim. Here are just a few of the fun and educationally rich activities they enjoyed.
  • Tidepool Exploration
  • Plankton Labs
  • Squid Dissections
  • Night Snorkeling
  • Hikes up to the Lookout Point of the Island
  • Oceanography Labs (where they could touch and encounter sealife such as starfish)
One of the most memorable activities was something the CIMI team called high/low ropes. Even those who were leery at first, begged for a second or third turn once they discovered how exhilarating swinging from the high ropes could be!

Such a Memorable Trip!

What an amazing opportunity and adventure this Catalina Island trip was for these desert-dwelling TIA students. Many will remember it for the rest of their lives, not only as their first ocean encounter but also as a highlight of their time at TIA -- A school that makes learning seriously fun!

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Sunrise on Santa Catalina IslandcatalinahousingThe beautiful view from our cabinsEncountering sea life close upHigh ropes was one of the kids favorite activities.TIA Catalina Island Group 2016

TIA Summer Trip to Europe

Summer 2016 Some of the students, parents, and staff from TIA went on a whirlwind eight day trip to 4 different countries in June. They started off in Spain where they visited Barcelona, Madrid, Seville, Tarifa, the Rock of Gibraltar (which is a British Overseas Territory). A ferry ride took them across the Straits of Gibraltar to Tangier, Morocco, where they rode camels. From there it was a quick trip to Paris, France and the Eiffel Tower. The last part of the trip was in Italy, where they visited many sights including the Roman Colosseum, Roman Palace, Trevi Fountain, the ancient ruins of Pompeii and a Pilgrimage through the "Holy Door" at St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican City. The amazing sights, sounds, foods and fun had by all was a trip in a lifetime for some and one of many trips for others. To see historical places in person and meet people from other countries changes the way people look at the world. TIA is truly an International School! Click here to watch video of the TIA 2016 summer trip  

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Video of TIA 2016 summer trip to Europe

Travels to England – TIA 2015 Trip

Our trip to England began with a dare to dream by an in-class conversation between Dr. J. and student Francisco Curiel. The dare was that anyone can do anything including seeing your favorite soccer team play a game at their location. Francisco’s dream was to see Manchester United soccer team play in Manchester, England. Much planning and fund raising went into this trip and then the dream became a reality. On  March 12, 2015, we flew to Manchester, England. The students were both excited and exhausted but eager to begin our adventure. We had an amazing English Breakfast at The Slug and Lettuce; getting 14 adults and 11 students to eat huge amounts of food so early in the morning was not easy, but somehow we all managed!

Travels to England - Greatest Highlights

The greatest highlights of Manchester were taking a guided tour of the home of Manchester United, “Old Trafford Stadium,” and of course watching the game of Manchester United vs. Tottenham Hotspur. For many of the students, the trip could have ended there and it would have been the best trip of their lives, but there was much more in store!  During our trip we stopped at seven unique restaurants where we ate fish and chips, fish pie, and shepherd’s pie, to name a few wonderful dishes. We visited two amazing universities, the University of Manchester which has 25 Nobel laureates among its past and present students and staff, the fourth-highest number of any single university in the United Kingdom. The campus was beautiful, surrounded with the wonderful scent of blooming flowers and the enthusiasm of excited students. History was imprinted on every building from 1824 until modern times, and the guide seemed to overflow with all the knowledge of the great university. The next university was Oxford University, the oldest university in England, which has been established as the place where England’s academic and social elite attend. Every building and student seemed like a character out of countless movies that have been filmed there. Our students were enthralled by the energy of the buildings, great historical sites, and the idea that they too could be graduates of this amazing University.

Roman Cities

We visited two ancient Roman cities, including Chester, where we met an expert on the ancient Roman fort, who was dressed as a Roman soldier and told many wonderful and eye-opening details about the ancient Romans and their bathing rituals.  In the city of Bath we saw where the Romans had utilized the geothermal energy beneath the city to create large, sophisticated, bathhouse areas. The ruins were incredible and of course all of us had to drink the thermal spring waters, which are said to heal diseases. Personally, I was feeling sick with the beginnings of a cold, drank eight glasses and was cold-free the next day!


A delightful place we visited was Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of Shakespeare! We visited Shakespeare’s house and learned the importance of windows, beds, and the height of the ceilings which all helped determine your taxes as well as your social status. The realization for the students and adults alike that many modern phrases and words were coined by Shakespeare was enlightening.

Most Talked-About Place We Visited

The most talked about and mysterious icon of the trip was Stonehenge. It has been thought to be an ancient temple made for the worship of ancient deities, but has also been shown to mark the summer and winter solstices, and the spring and autumn equinoxes making historians believe it was also a way to track the heavenly bodies. The students had fun posing and producing fun pictures to show family and friends. We all enjoyed the beauty of the surrounding area, where sheep frolicked freely and a modern highway was in sight. The contrast between the ancient world and modern was not lost on those who were there.

The Last Two Days

The last part of the trip was the most exciting and was jammed full of activities! During this time we saw Westminster Abbey, which made most of the adults cry from the majesty and beauty and all the history in one outstanding place. Visitors are not allowed to take photographs in the building, and in a way that was better because it is now fused in the minds of twenty-five grateful visitors. We exited and stopped for a few photos of Big Ben and the park of heroes both from the past and present. We walked briskly to Buckingham Palace where we witnessed the changing of the guard, enjoying the pomp and circumstance. We all hoped to see a glimpse of the Queen or any Royal, but, sadly, we saw none.  We walked by Hyde Park and the wonderful gardens, statues and amazing scenic beauty. The park has been a popular location for movies! Some of us were able to go to the National Gallery, where we were able to see “Sunflowers” by Vincent van Gogh. It was a place that would take a week to absorb all the beauty, but we only had forty minutes. The Tower of London was an amazing sight to behold and the Crown Jewels were brilliant and breathtaking! Something that I did not know was that live animals lived in the Towers and even killed a few unsuspecting people. I enjoyed going to the Tower of Terror, which lived up to the hype! On our second day in London, we went to the London Eye, where we got to see all of the wonderful city of London from its great height.  Next we embarked on the Thames River Cruise to Greenwich. We ended our trip to England with a visit to the British Museum, again a place that would take weeks to explore and digest, but we only had forty minutes to explore! We went to our last dinner in England with happy, grateful hearts. We were each asked to share what we enjoyed the most, many mentioned the different sites, but the very best part were the stories. The stories of traveling away from family, meeting new people and discovering how much they loved to travel!

Things We Learned on the Trip

  • Christianity was responsible for stinky people for 100 years.
  • Singing West End Girls in London’s West End with a group of students is an amazing experience!
  • It rains in England a lot and an umbrella is a must-have at all times.
  • People know what your status in life is by the umbrella you have.
  • The London Tube is amazing!
  • Rubina and Monique, two of the students who went on the trip, said they enjoyed getting to know all the other students and sharing the experience of exploring a new country together.
  • Josiah loved getting lost with his mom in London and finding amazing “Dr. Who” collectables!  
All the students came home to cheers and welcomed hugs, with memories that they will share for years to come, that is why I love to being part of such a great organization that is TIA! Written by Karla Massey, teacher at TIA West K-1st  

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TIA 2015 StoneHengeTIA 2015 Trip to LondonTIA 2015 Big Ben

High School Students Raise Money for London Trip

TIA is taking a trip to London on March 12-21, 2015. Among the students, parents and teachers going on this trip, seven are college bound seniors. The school and students have committed to raising $3300 for each of these seven students. Below are some of the ideas that the students have come up with to help raise the money they need for this trip.

High School Students Raise Money for London Trip

Each school is selling $10 tickets for a Playstation 4 (or $400 in cash) to be raffled off at the Cinco de Mayo events held at each campus. Each school campus needs to sell a minimum of 400 tickets in order for the raffle to go through for their school. Every 400 tickets sold will raise enough money to send one student to London. All the money raised will be equally distributed among the students going.

Drill Team and Soccer Camps

Drill Team Camp: The Drill Team from West campus will host a Drill Team Camp for any girls interested in learning a dance routine to “What Does the Fox Say” and practice with pom poms doing a school spirit routine. It will be 5 days for 1 hour at lunch time. The cost is $50 for each student attending. The Drill Team Camp girls will perform a dance routine at the Chinese New Year Celebration at West campus. They will also get a T-shirt that can be worn as a school uniform. January 26-30, 2015 at TIA West Soccer Camp: The older students who are in the soccer league will host a Soccer Camp to train anyone interested in learning how to play soccer. This will be for all ages and abilities, 5 days for 1 ½ hours each day. It will cost each student $50 which includes a T-shirt that can be worn as a school uniform. The final day of camp, the participants will put on a mini tournament for the parents. Broadway and East Campus: February 2-6, 2015 and Midvale it will be Feb 9-13. Held during school hours. West campus has already had their soccer camp and it was a great success!

Yearbook Ads

The Yearbook committee is selling ad space in the yearbook that will be donated to students going on the London trip. The ads can be purchased by parents wanting to leave a message to their student to congratulate them, as a memory space or by a business wanting to advertise. The page sizes available are Full page, 1/2 page, 1/4 page, and business card. Contact Ms Canez for more info (520) 792-3255. There will also be car washes, food sales and other fundraisers that are still in the process of being created by the students. Any and all financial donations are welcome.   Written by Kim Murphey~TheJ3Effect
high school students raise money for London triphigh school students raise money for London triphigh school students raise money for London trip

Tucson’s Top Charter Schools Takes Students to China!

TIA, Tucson’s Top Charter Schools Takes Students to China. According to Merriam-Webster the definition of a field trip is a visit to a place (such as a museum or zoo) that is made by students to learn about something. Well what if that “zoo” is the world renowned Panda Base and the place is Chengdu, China! That was just one stop on a incredible “field trip” taken by a group of 33 students, parents, and staff from Tucson International Academy this past June. Calling this a field trip is like comparing a sparkler in the backyard to 9 days of fireworks at Disney World! Native Son Leads the Way! The trip was led by Lin Wu and his wife, who were both born and raised in China. Having a native at the helm offered students the opportunity to see and experience more of China than just the standard tourist destinations. The itinerary Mr. Wu designed was jam-packed so that the group could visit as many places as possible in the 9 days they were there. Having Mr. Wu plan and lead this trip made it  much more fulfilling and less stressful than going into China without a native son leading the way. Preparations! The group met together several times in the months prior in order to review the trip, address questions, and prepare the paperwork. Mr Wu was successful at researching all the options and designing the best trip at the most reasonable cost.  Mr. Wu also assisted the travelers in filling out their visa applications and made 2 trips to the Chinese consulate in Los Angeles prior to the China trip itself to get all the tourist visas in order and ready for the trip. By June 18, the day of departure, the group was more than prepared for their adventure! Day 1 - Hong Kong The travelers left San Francisco on June 18 and settled in for the 14 hour flight to Hong Kong.There is a 15 hour time difference between Tucson and Hong Kong. Hong Kong is an interesting blend of the Chinese culture with a western influence,since the city was a British colony for many years. Upon stepping off the plane the first thing to hit these desert dwellers was, amazingly, -- the heat! The 110 degrees was nothing new but coupled with 95% humidity, it was, shall we say, a tad uncomfortable. It was not only summer in China but also typhoon season, which accounts for the high humidity in this coastal city. After meeting up with their Chinese tour guide, our weary travelers made their way to the hotel for the night. But first thing the next morning the group was up and out to visit Victoria Peak, which gives a spectacular view of the skyline of Hong Kong. Also on Day One they were able to do some shopping in Hong Kong, which is brimming with both high-end shops and shops selling unique Chinese items. While having lunch, some of the group got to witness a Chinese movie being filmed right there in the street. Mr. and Mrs. Wu even recognised a very  famous Hong Kong actor in the scene! Kind of the Chinese version of action movie star Tom Cruise! Our next destination is Chengdu and the world renowned Panda Base! Join us for the continuation of our trip in the next article! There was just too much to fit it into one blog entry! Link to article 2: One of Tucson’s Best Schools Goes to China! Want your child to experience a school like no other? Click here to enroll online at Tucson International Academy!   Story by Betty Kruska~TheJ3Effect
China Trip 2 Featured

One of Tucson’s Best Schools Goes to China!

Part 2-Are you ready to continue our journey as TIA, one of Tucson's best schools goes to China? On our first day we traveled from San Francisco to Hong Kong. After a good night’s sleep, we explored the city of Hong Kong including a trip up Victoria Peak to view the city in all its splendor. We also did a little shopping and watched a Chinese movie being made right in the streets of Hong Kong. Chengdu: The Gem of Southwest China The morning of our 3rd day of travel had us back at the Hong Kong International Airport and off to Chengdu. Upon exiting the Chengdu International Airport, the first two things we noticed were the remarkable cooler and more comfortable weather and the traffic! Bicycles, pedestrians, taxis, busses, cars, and motorcycles all share the road in a kind of chaotic frenzy. It’s amazing and a little scary to witness! Due to the delay of the flight (raining in Hong Kong), Mr. Wu and the local tour guide had to re-schedule the planned activity (Leshan Giant Buddha) for the next day for everyone’s safety. Instead, the group went to a silk factory in Chengdu and the workers showcased our group how they transform the silk produced by the silk-worms into a variety of wearable and home décor products. Later, the group had dinner and checked into a hotel in Chengdu for rest. When our group woke up on the 4th day, they were greeted with a pleasant sunny day and a well-cooked breakfast. Our first stop was the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. The base began in 1987 with six giant pandas rescued from the wild. By 2010 the panda population in the base had increased to 97 from those original six. As the giant pandas are studied and cared for, we were amazed at how close and unimpeded we were able to view the uncaged giant pandas and red pandas on the base. The Chinese people love their pandas, and so did our group! After spending almost two hours at the base, our group traveled another two hours to the city of Leshan and enjoyed a peaceful Chinese lunch at a local restaurant. After lunch, we took a cruise boat to view the Leshan Giant Buddha. Carved by hand during the Tang Dynasty (618 – 907), the Chinese people used 90 years to complete the construction of this statue with a height of 71 meters and width of 28 meters. Sitting on the Minjiang River and facing Mountain Emei, Leshan Giant Buddha is the largest stone Buddha in the world and has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1996. After the visit, our group traveled back to the Chengdu International Airport and took an evening flight to our next stop. Jiuzhaigou Valley: The Hidden Paradise of Sichuan Province It was a very short flight from Chengdu to Jiuzhaigou Valley (about 45 minutes). Before landing, our group could see the mountain range and glaciers surrounding the small regional Jiuhuang Airport. Upon landing, our group felt the drastic change of climate, cold and rainy! After being picked up by the local tour guide (a Tibetan who has a beautiful voice and studied English all by himself), our group went to dinner and checked into a hotel for rest. Waking up to the fresh cool air in the Valley, our group started the 5th day anew. Jiuzhaigou Valley, literally translated as Valley of Nine Villages, sits on the edge of the Tibetan Plateau and stretches over 180,000 acres. With an elevation ranging from 6,600 to 14,800 feet, the valley is a visual feast of colorful lakes, multi-level waterfalls, majestic mountains, and imposing glaciers. After the frenetic energy of two large Chinese cities, the breath-taking natural beauty of this valley was rejuvenating. This part of the trip may be what many of our group will remember as the highlight since the valley is off the beaten path for most Americans visiting China. It was so odd for the Asian tourists to see that many Americans in the valley at once that they were taking pictures of us taking pictures of ourselves! Those pictures were even more memorable because many in our group posed wearing traditional Tibetan costumes! After the full and abundantly rich visual feast of the valley, we headed back to the Jiuhuang Airport to take an evening flight. As our group’s bus approached the airport (30 minutes away) it suddenly broke down and we were stuck in the mountains of Sichuan Province. Luckily, the tour guide contacted his friends and was able to have another bus driven to our “breakdown” spot to pick up our group in about 40 minutes. In the meanwhile, members of our group played “hitch-hikers” along the Freeway and made a happy memory out of this experience! Xi’an: A Journey Back to the Qin Dynasty By the time the flight took off from Jiuhuang Airport, everyone in our group was physically exhausted from the intense hiking inside the valley. Upon landing in Xi’an, our group checked into a hotel and slept in for the rest of the night. When everyone in our group had an awesome breakfast and felt refreshed, we were ready for the 6th day of our tour. In Xi’an we experienced one of the most fascinating and historically significant exhibits of our travels: The Terracotta Army. The huge army of life-sized terracotta statues was made to be buried with Emperor Qin Shihuang near his tomb. These terracotta warriors and horses were not only a show of his glory, but also a remembrance of his army that triumphed over the other warring states in China which resulted in unification of China more than 2,000 years ago. Furthermore, the emperor believed that objects like statues could be animated in the afterlife and could therefore protect him after death. These serious-face warriors were discovered in 1974 by a local farmer digging a well. Amazingly many in our group got a chance to take a picture with the farmer while visiting the mausoleum. After a fabulous lunch (consisting of various types of Chinese noodles), our group stopped by a local folk house to watch the Shadow Play, an ancient form of storytelling and entertainment which combines the movement of cut-out figures held between a source of light and a translucent screen and dramatic voices/singing. After the show, we roamed around the Muslim District of Xi’an and experienced the diversity of the Chinese population and culture. Then the tour guide took our group to have a “Hot Pot” dinner before we boarded the overnight train from Xi’an to the capital of China. Beijing: The Heart of China The final leg of our journey began with us boarding a night train from Xi’an to Beijing. Our group, occupying a whole cart (36 passenger capacity per cart), tired but exhilarated by the nonstop pace, kicked back and relaxed on the train. We each had a bed and were able to rest en-route. Once we arrived at the Beijing Train Station at 7:00 am, we were picked up by the tour guide and had McDonald’s for breakfast! After breakfast, we spent a good hour touring the Temple of Heaven, a complex of religious buildings constructed from 1406 to 1420 and frequented by the Emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties for annual ceremonies of prayer to Heaven for good harvest. In the meanwhile, our group saw locals practicing Taijiand Chinese calligraphy in the park. Some of us even played shuttlecock with local folks. What added to all the splendor of Beijing was that one of TIA’s former teachers (who now works in Beijing as an English teacher) met us at the temple and joined us for the rest of our tour in Beijing, thrilling the students and teachers on our tour. After lunch, we checked into the hotel for a brief rest before visiting the Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City. We spent almost three hours walking inside the Forbidden City and explored how Chinese emperors handled state affairs and the lifestyles of their families within the palaces. We concluded our first day in Beijing with a fancy dinner at a local restaurant with the most famous local dish – Peking Roast Duck! The last day of our tour started with the Ming Tombs, a collection of imperial mausoleums built by the Chinese Ming dynasty emperors. We learned about the Ming emperor Yongle, who relocated the capital city of China from Nanjing to the present location Beijing. He also started the construction of the Forbidden City in 1420. He selected his burial site and created his own mausoleum, followed by subsequent emperors who chose to place their tombs in the same valley. Later on, the tour guide took our group to a jade shop and showcased the variety of jade products before lunch. The very last stop of our journey was the Great Wall of China. As the bus approached the entrance gate, it started to rain. Everyone in our group rushed into local vendor shops to purchase colorful ponchos in order to complete our excursion. We took a cable cart to reach the mid-section and then climbed to the peak of one of the towers. All of our photos came in a variety of colors with the obscure Great Wall in the background due to the rain. It sure was unforgettable! We had our last dinner of the tour in a fancy restaurant and our students performed the Chinese song “Beijing Welcomes You” in front of everyone in the restaurant and many of the group gave an emotional speech about their feelings of this wonderful journey. Mr. Wu concluded all the speeches with a “Thank You” note to everyone for being patient and understanding and a “Work Hard” note to all the students on this tour, urging them to remain diligent in their studies/career so that they can all have a quality life. Our group went back to the hotel to pack and rest after dinner. The next morning, Mr. Wu saw many of the group off at the Beijing International Airport and flew back to his coastal hometown Dalian for his summer vacation! Link to article Part 1: Tucson’s Top Charter Schools Takes Students to China! Want your child to experience a school like no other? Click here to enroll online at TIA! Story by Lin Wu &  Betty Kruszka
_MG_0346Screen Shot 2015-03-22 at 4.35.57 PMChina 2014 380TIA 2014 China Trip

TIA: A Different Kind of Prep School

TIA: A Different Kind of Prep School ~ Preparing for 2014 China Trip! For most kids, the trip to school involves a short walk, a bike ride, catching the school bus, or a ride from mom. For TIA students it can also involve international airports, a 15 hour plane ride, bullet trains, and some serious jet lag! That’s because some students from TIA will be going to China next summer as part of their TIA educational experience. When a prep school like TIA says it brings the world to its students and brings its students to the world, it is not kidding! Our Fearless Leader Mr. Lin Wu, the dual credit program director for TIA, is from China and will be the leader of this trip. He has put together the trip and has designed a fantastic itinerary for the students, parents, and other staff members planning to go on this memorable adventure. What Will We See? While in China our TIA travelers will get to see Hong Kong, Victoria Peak, Repulse Bay, and Aberdeen. They will then travel to Chengdu to visit the Leshan Giant Buddha and the Chengdu Giant Panda Base. Then it’s off to Jiuzhaigou Valley (altitude 6,600 – 14,800 ft.) which is famous for its colorful lakes and natural beauty. By day six the group will have traveled to Xi’an for a guided tour of the Terra-Cotta Army and to view a Shadow Play. The group will then take a night train from Xi’an to Beijing where they will visit Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City, and the Temple of Heaven. The last day in China will be spent visiting the Badaling Section of the Great Wall, the Ming Tombs, and the National Stadium (Bird Nest). What is the Cost? A $500 nonrefundable down payment is due no later than the end of October for anyone wanting to join this unforgettable excursion. After the down payment, folks will pay $500 per month until the $2500 per person is paid in full. The $2500 covers all air travel, domestic travel in China, all hotel accommodations, and most meals. This fantastic deal is based on at least 35 travelers, which is why the initial down payment is nonrefundable. In other words, if folks signed up to go but then backed out, it would raise the cost for all the others. About 35 people attended the first of two orientation meetings for the 9-day trip which is scheduled for June 2014. A second orientation is scheduled for February to work on the needed paperwork for international travel. To get a more detailed day-to-day overview of the trip, be sure to look at the itinerary Mr. Wu has put together. It is hard to imagine a more capable person than Mr. Wu to organize and lead this trip as he takes the students of TIA to his beautiful homeland.

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Story by Betty Kruszka ~ TheJ3Effect
TIA China Trip 2014Mr Wu

The Benefits of Student Travel

Recently, a group of 26 students, parents and teachers from Tucson International Academy traveled to France! Our mission was to use the “on site” experiences to prepare our students for our global society. Students enjoyed 8 days of sightseeing, discussion groups, projects, and group mealtime collaboration as they processed their studies of language, reading, culture, social studies, science, and math while physically immersed in a foreign country. These are all wonderful benefits of student travel but there is so much more as well.

When Touring Another Country, All of Your Senses are Ignited

In Paris, students had the thrill of going to the top of the Eiffel Tower where they saw beautiful panoramic views of Paris. We were all surprised to learn about and see a model of Mr. Eiffel’s office built into the top of the Eiffel Tower! What a dynamic place for an office! The famous Louvre art museum was another fascinating venture, beholding the Mona Lisa masterpiece and the Venus de Milo sculpture in person. What a wonderful experience, to stand in the elaborate halls of the Louvre among hundreds of other art appreciators. The history of Notre Dame came alive as the group walked through its artistic presentation of faith over the decades. We ate crepes, salami, cheese, snails and even frog legs! A real adventure for the pallet! When touring another country, all of your senses are ignited, and one can receive the culture and historic relevance via sensory input…..seeing the incredible historic sights, hearing the distinct Parisian sounds of emergency vehicles, smelling and tasting new spices and flavors in the foods, plus touching the relics of ancient pasts. All the information collected through the senses enhances learning, conceptualization, and understanding. First hand experiences are the only way to get a complete sampling of real life data which can more dynamically be translated into the ability to apply learning at the highest levels.

What Does Student Tavel do for you?

Renewed enthusiasm for learning When the kids return home with enthusiastic stories and pictures of an incredible time abroad, teachers and parents see the immediate impact the experience has had. However, the most significant and enduring effects may not be obvious until later, as the students tackle challenges with increased, enhanced confidence, greater enthusiasm and maturity in their approach to their studies, and demonstrate deeper sensitivity to other people. Greater confidence After climbing the Eiffel Tower, walking on the beaches of Normandy on the D-day locations, or simply ordering lunch in the local language, students can’t help but grasp the fact that there is new possibility in the world, in their abilities, and in their future. In addition to gaining greater cultural sensitivity and an international perspective on their studies, students return home feeling more confident and independent—qualities that stay with them throughout their academic, professional and personal lives. Higher academic achievement When students travel with a group from Tucson International Academy, they’re not just learning about other places, cultures and languages, they’re living it. Whether learning about William the Conqueror through the stitching of the ancient tapestry at Beaueax or discussing ancient sewer systems of famous castles such as the Palace of Versailles, these hands-on experiences allow students to truly connect with their studies in new ways. International travels pique students’ intellectual curiosity, translating into increased academic success upon their return. Stronger college applications Because so many U.S. colleges appreciate the value of global awareness and now place an increased emphasis on international perspectives within their curricula, students with international experience have a competitive edge when applying to colleges. As a college preparation academy, it is important to offer opportunities that will enhance our students’ college applications to gain acceptance to outstanding institutions and university programs so students may have the best education to pursue the most interesting and rewarding careers.
Enhanced career prospects
International travel often inspires our students to consider international careers. Our past travelers are endeavoring to become translators at the United Nations, diplomats in Washington, D.C., and international executives. Regardless of our students’ professional ambitions, international travel experience instills new confidence in students, enhances students’ ability to work with a variety of people, and encourages them to perceive new challenges from a broader perspective, which are skills that can enhance a person’s career no matter what the industry.
Friendships that last a lifetime
Students who travel with a group from Tucson International Academy develop lasting friendships with fellow travelers. Whether they’ve been friends for years or meet on the tour bus, friends who share in the life-changing experience of traveling abroad make special connections that often endure into adulthood
Benefits of Student Travel