Along with providing the best educational experience, Tucson International Academy is also committed to promoting a safe and secure learning environment. Tucson International Academy is equipped with smoke detectors, audio/visual cameras, locked doors and gates during school hours, CPR certified staff and faculty, with lock down procedures and fire drills for every classroom and all other areas of our buildings. Additionally, faculty and staff or adult monitors have a cell phone or walkie-talkie with them while at lunch and/or on the playground with them at all times.
Why Does TIA Need Security Cameras?
Security cameras are inside the classrooms, offices, hallways, lunch areas, parking lots and around the school campus. This is for security reasons, to protect our staff, students and anyone on or around the campus in case of an emergency. Teachers and administrative staff can also use the video and audio recordings to evaluate teachers or themselves in any given situation and to see what is going on in the classroom and on the campus. We at TIA believe this will help stop things such as bullying or fighting, and people from doing and saying things they shouldn't such as stealing or cursing. If everyone knows they are being recorded, they will think twice before committing an offense that is prohibited. If bullying is reported, the school will have a recording of what was said and/or done. Bullying of any type will not be tolerated at TIA and will be grounds for disciplinary action, which can include suspension, expulsion and a possible report to law enforcement.
Why Does TIA Need Clear Backpacks?
Clear backpacks, not mesh or color clear, will help us know what is being carried on to TIA’s campuses by the students. Weapons of any kind are not allowed. Drugs and alcohol of any kind is not allowed. Electronic devices are not allowed. If there is a need for your child to bring a cell phone, such as the case that they walk to and from school or take public transportation, then cell phones must be turned off during school hours and turned into the teacher at the beginning of the school day. Failure to do so will result in the cell phone being confiscated and turned into the principal.
As per the Student Parent Handbook, “Eliminate excess cargo in clear backpacks. Use only small, clear backpacks. Bring only school supplies, materials, and work. On a site by site basis, backpacks may be eliminated at any grade level. Grades 6 – 12 may bring small, clear backpacks, binders or folders which MUST be turned into a designated area (not kept with students in class). Small personal items may be kept in a small zip pocket of the folder/binder.“
Why Does TIA Have Fire Drills & Emergency Lockdown Drills?
Fire drills and Lockdown drills are held at regular intervals throughout the school year to help students stay safe by knowing what to do in an emergency.
General Information, Guidelines, Rules and Regulations, Rights and Policies
For further rules and regulations at TIA, please read the Parent and Student Handbook and the Code of Conduct for Parents and Visitors.
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