Virginia Watahomigie, Student Success Coordinator at TIA, was keenly interested in the success of one particular student, her own daughter, Kynzie! Kynzie has been accepted to Cornell University, a prestigious Ivy League school located in Ithaca, New York.
Strong Animal Science Program
Kynzie Watahomigie didn’t apply to every Ivy League college. She wasn’t really interested in the prestige of the school as much as whether the university had a strong animal science program. She applied to Cornell simply because they have one of the top two animal science programs in the world. Because Ivy League schools do not inform their candidates of their admission until much later than most universities, Kynzie had already settled into the idea she would be attending the fine animal science program at the University of Arizona. But when she learned, at the end of April, that she had been accepted into Cornell, plans changed!Passionate About Horses
To say Kynzie loves animals is an understatement. From a very early age she knew she wanted to be a veterinarian. She even dressed up as a vet one year for Halloween! She is especially passionate about horses. As far as she can recall, Kynzie thinks her fascination and passion for horses started when she saw the movie Spirit as a young girl. Her family could not and did not own horses; yet even without a horse, Kynzie checked out every book she could find at the library about horses and horse care. She even has a book called The Horseless Rider.Overcoming Obstacles
Where there is passion, there is a drive to overcome obstacles. Although Kynzie could not own her own horse, she was able to attend summer horse camp for several weeks to learn how to ride and care for her beloved animals. Then when Kynzie turned 16, her parents learned they could lease a horse for her to participate in 4-H activities. She soon became not only active in 4-H, but also won awards and was eventually chosen to be president of the club. Obviously, for Kynzie to be accepted into Cornell she needed to exhibit more than just a love of horses. Kynzie is an incredible student, graduating with a 4.0 GPA. She also participated in basketball and is quite an artist. She had passion for all things equine, yet was just as enthused about, and excelled at, all things she undertook. She is the epitome of a well-rounded young lady. Kynzie is already attending Cornell this summer. She is taking a chemistry class and participates in other recommended activities for incoming freshman. She says she has met people from all over the world and has loved making new friends. The chemistry class is very challenging and keeps her studying many hours of the day, however. She will get to come home for a couple of weeks in August before the fall semester begins.What Is It You Love?
What is it that you love? Horses like Kynzie? Writing? Cars? Dance? Pursue your interests with passion and hard work. Don’t let obstacles be anything more than stepping stones to your future.Let TIA be the school where your child’s dreams are forged and supported!
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