TIA is taking a trip to London on March 12-21, 2015. Among the students, parents and teachers going on this trip, seven are college bound seniors. The school and students have committed to raising $3300 for each of these seven students. Below are some of the ideas that the students have come up with to help raise the money they need for this trip.
High School Students Raise Money for London Trip
Each school is selling $10 tickets for a Playstation 4 (or $400 in cash) to be raffled off at the Cinco de Mayo events held at each campus. Each school campus needs to sell a minimum of 400 tickets in order for the raffle to go through for their school. Every 400 tickets sold will raise enough money to send one student to London. All the money raised will be equally distributed among the students going.Drill Team and Soccer Camps
Drill Team Camp: The Drill Team from West campus will host a Drill Team Camp for any girls interested in learning a dance routine to “What Does the Fox Say” and practice with pom poms doing a school spirit routine. It will be 5 days for 1 hour at lunch time. The cost is $50 for each student attending. The Drill Team Camp girls will perform a dance routine at the Chinese New Year Celebration at West campus. They will also get a T-shirt that can be worn as a school uniform. January 26-30, 2015 at TIA West Soccer Camp: The older students who are in the soccer league will host a Soccer Camp to train anyone interested in learning how to play soccer. This will be for all ages and abilities, 5 days for 1 ½ hours each day. It will cost each student $50 which includes a T-shirt that can be worn as a school uniform. The final day of camp, the participants will put on a mini tournament for the parents. Broadway and East Campus: February 2-6, 2015 and Midvale it will be Feb 9-13. Held during school hours. West campus has already had their soccer camp and it was a great success!Yearbook Ads
The Yearbook committee is selling ad space in the yearbook that will be donated to students going on the London trip. The ads can be purchased by parents wanting to leave a message to their student to congratulate them, as a memory space or by a business wanting to advertise. The page sizes available are Full page, 1/2 page, 1/4 page, and business card. Contact Ms Canez for more info (520) 792-3255. There will also be car washes, food sales and other fundraisers that are still in the process of being created by the students. Any and all financial donations are welcome. Written by Kim Murphey~TheJ3Effect